26 October 2007

New crafty magazines

Today, I decided to treat myself with some new stuff. I just like spoiling myself and that's why I bought two magazines.

The first one is a magazine called RAKAM. It's written on Italian and it's full of interesting crafty projects. There are instructions for different kinds of embroidery, and that's the main purpose of this magazine, as I can see. But there are crochet projects inside, too.

I would like to crochet at least one of the bags, but I don't have any yarn for them. They are marked as my future projects that are going to be made.

And the second magazine is this one that is called "Mani di Fata".It says "Magazine for Ladies and Babies". This magazine is also full of embroidery projects, but there are more knitting and crochet projects. There are some interesting knitted tops inside that got me interested.

On the cover you can see this beautiful crocheted bikini.I'm not sure that I would wear a crocheted bikini(because I don't know how it's gonna look like when it gets wet), but I would certainly transform it into a top. That's something that I would definitely wear.

I'm not a kind of a person who likes to do embroidery, but there are some projects in these magazines that got me interested. Who knows? Maybe I will start doing them. Never say never :) .

I don't know the Italian language and I don't know how that's gonna work. I am hoping that dictionary will solve my problems.

And another thing, my grandma agreed to knit me a plain hat (Happy singing in my head). I love all of her knitted works, but I have trouble making her agree to knit, because she says that her hands are sore and they heart a lot from knitting. So, this time she agreed to to knit a hat, and I immediately bought beautiful and soft white yarn. I don't have any picture of it now, but I will take one of the finished product.

19 October 2007

New earrings for Ole

Look at the new earrings that I made. I'm very happy with the outcome.

First, Sunstone earrings (two pairs), one for me, and one for my friend Ole. And, pair of wooden earrings in the middle are also for my friend Ole.

There are four choices above. I will be making one pair of earrings and I can't decide witch one. I'm waiting for Ole, aka my customer, to decide. These are red wooden beads that have flowers painted on them. They are so cute.

Maybe, you are wondering why so many earring to Ole? Well, It's simple. She has a fetish, and her fetish are earrings. She is very happy with every pair of earrings that she gets from friends or those that she buys for herself. How can you not like making gifts for people like that?

These are the earrings that I gave her before.

16 October 2007

14 October 2007

One day trip to Ohrid, Macedonia

This is my second trip to Ohrid this year. You can check out my previous trip here.

The weather was not good at all. It was raining all day. But that didn't stop me from doing anything. I was sightseeing all day.

Every time I go somewhere, I try to buy jewelry that will make me remember the trip.

First, here are my Sunstone bracelet and earrings:

And second, these are my Tigers eye earrings and bracelet:

I don't know anything about this materials and that's why I did my homework. While I was surfing on the net I found out that Tiger's eye stone is actually a semi-precious stone. Now, I'm even happier with my jewelry :) .

10 October 2007

Crocheted Stripe Hat

I'm continuing with my obsession of pink. This time I have crocheted myself a hat. I'm calling it The Crocheted Stripe Hat.

I have noticed that hats are a great way to use yarn leftovers.

I just hope that this will be my last pink project. I'm off to the store for buying myself new yarn. This time I am thinking black or maybe white, I'm still not sure.