19 October 2007

New earrings for Ole

Look at the new earrings that I made. I'm very happy with the outcome.

First, Sunstone earrings (two pairs), one for me, and one for my friend Ole. And, pair of wooden earrings in the middle are also for my friend Ole.

There are four choices above. I will be making one pair of earrings and I can't decide witch one. I'm waiting for Ole, aka my customer, to decide. These are red wooden beads that have flowers painted on them. They are so cute.

Maybe, you are wondering why so many earring to Ole? Well, It's simple. She has a fetish, and her fetish are earrings. She is very happy with every pair of earrings that she gets from friends or those that she buys for herself. How can you not like making gifts for people like that?

These are the earrings that I gave her before.

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