28 May 2007

internet is down

There's something wrong with my internet conection.Or should I say no internet conection. And that's why I haven't been reading the blogs that I usualy had been reading.

Anyway, joop send me post stamps from Australia. Thank you joop!

Here they are:

22 May 2007

new things and a bag

Using my pattern for the flower granny square I made lots of squares and joined them making this bag:

Joining squares is not something that I would do everyday.I don't like it. But it was worth doing it when I saw how the bag turn out to be very cute.

Yesterday, I bought new crochet hooks for Tunisian crochet. Look how long they are. You get to think that they are knitting needles.

I just love the colours. All my crochet hooks are aluminium and all of they are grey. Plain and doll, don't you think? And these look refreshing to me!

And something else I bought : My new wallet - pink one with flowers.

I received new postcard. It's from San Juan Capistran -USA.

20 May 2007

Flower Granny Square Pattern

As promised here's the pattern for the bookmark that I posted before.

Ch 6, join with a sl st to the first ch to form ring.

Round 1: Ch 2 to count as the first dc, work 11 more dc in the ring; join

with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (12 dc)

Round 2: *3 sc, 6 ch* repeat 4 times

Round 3: *10 dc on to the 6ch from round2, 1 dc on the 3 sc* repeat 4 times

Make three flowers and join them.

19 May 2007

one hook ruined

What the hell happened here?

My crochet hook is ruined.

Girl on the rocks has a great tutorial about making a key chain crochet hook.

I did a an ugly job. The loop doesn't look like a loop.It looks like a triangle.

I bought this hook really cheap. It only costs 5 Denars(0.083 Euros).Yes, this hook is cheap and I don't need to feel sorry for it, but I was hoping that I was gonna carry it on my key chain everywhere I go. Maybe, I will buy more cheap hooks and then try to do a better job than this. They say that practice makes perfect.

15 May 2007

Granny square bookmark

The picture is a little dark but I think that you get the idea.Anyway, these squares should look like flowers.

Zato sto nije bilo nisto komplicirano napisala sam i semu na BalkanKnits .

13 May 2007

Earrings hanger

I needed someplace to hang all my earrings. This way, my earrings are always available and the most important thing is that I always have the whole pair on one place. I don't need to look for them in my jewelry box.

11 May 2007

pin cushion

I have a great looking pin cushion. Here it is:


Actually this is not a real pin cushion, but I'm gonna use it like that. I received this "thing" as a present. I'm calling it a "thing" because I don't remember the real name. When I was in Croatia, a distant cousin gave it to me. My grandmother and other grannies used this "thing" to carry big bowls and tubes with water or other heavy things on their head. Apparently, this is a smaller version of that "thing" they used. The woman who gave me this one, sad to me that she was making these as souvenirs and gave two of them to me.


For couple of years this "thing" was hanging on the wall and reminded me of my grandma. But for now on it has two purposes:

1-reminder of my still alive grandma;

2-pin cushion;

As I'm looking at it, I realize that this is actually very easy to be made.



















10 May 2007

Postcard from Magrit

I received this postcard from Magrit. It's from Belgrade.

Thank you, Magrit.

My favorite playing cards!

These are playing cards that are showing 54 photos from landscapes, monasteries ,famous places, jewelry etc from Macedonia.I have two different decks.So far I'm afraid to use them because I love them so much and I don't want to destroy them. I love my country very much so I respect my cards, too.

And here are the reverse sides:

The reverse of the cards is showing the famous Macedonian filigree butterfly broach.

09 May 2007

filigree and pearl pendant

I bought this pendant when I was in Ohrid .It is filigree combined with the famous and unique Ohrid Pearl. Filigree is one of my favourite type of jewlery and everyone knows that. I have allready posted about my collection here.

I allways have dificulties to taka a picture of my filigree because it shines.

You can see my filigree collection at my flickr.

08 May 2007

04 May 2007

granny circles

These days I'm working on this peace:

I made two of them according to one of the patterns that I found in my crochet book.

As you can see they look like granny squares, but these are circles and they are made on top of each other.So there is no joining grannies here.

The pattern said that every granny should be a different colour.I used two colours (pink and yellow) and made three yellow and two pink grannies.

I'm thinking of putting these on a bag that I will sew someday.I think that it will look interesting.These days I'm either too lazy to crochet or I have to study for my exams and that is the reason why I'm not posting a lot about crocheting these days. After all crochet is only my hobby.

01 May 2007

Ohrid, Macedonia

I've been on a trip in Ohrid that lasted two days(26-27.04.2007). Two days walking with joy.

Ohrid is a very beautiful city.It is a cultural, spiritual and tourist center of Macedonia. I like it because of it's architecture and historic monuments.The traditional woodcarving school is dating from the 14th century and you can find original handmade wood carvs here. You can also find unique handmade jewelery like filigree and Ohrid pearl.

Ohrid is a great city.I've had a wonderful time.You can see some of the pictures that I made.

The beautiful and transparent Ohrid Lake is one of the largest in Europe.It is 4-10 milion years old.There are more than 200 endemic species (flora and fauna) living at the bottom of the sea.

The Church St. Jovan Kaneo is dedicated to St.Jovan Bogoslov.This church originates from the 13th century. Here it is:


Antic theatre:

The Samoil fortress stands on the hill above the town.I didn't get a chance to get in because it was very late, but I took a picture of the outside walls:

Ohrid architecture:

I didn't had a chance to see all of the "treasures" in Ohrid, but hopefully I will soon.