I told you before that I am busy crocheting a big project. Well, here is a sneak peak of the so far finished garment. Don't worry this dress is going to have an undergarment so it is OK if the crochet piece is "see through".
I have finished the bottom part of the dress and now I am crocheting the upper part. I still have no idea how to make it, but that's how I always crochet. I start something with one idea or inspiration and end up crocheting something completely different.
I even started counting the time that I spent crocheting. I was crocheting for 2 days and ripped it twice. Then when I started it for a third time I went back to my notebook to check how much time I have spent crocheting and I realized that I have crocheted for almost 6 hours in 2 days. And this is the time that I spent crocheting. I didn't count the time that I spent planning this project.
Am I a crochet addict? Is it 3 hours a day too much to spend doing some hobby? These are the questions that are on my mind lately. And then I realized that I go to fashion/clothes web cites and the first thing that I do is search for crochet garments. Is that weird?? When did I turn in to a crochet junkie?
OK, I do admit that this is not a big deal, but I am out of work and currently searching for one. And I am not a crocheter by profession. How do I plan of finding a job when all that I do is search for crochet?
I am sure my family is going to say "big things" about this !!!
Obožavam heklano! ...pa i haljine...divan rad i divna boja konca ...koliko god bilo zavisno,samo napred!
A kako će tek biti lijepo kada ju budeš nosila?????Mmmmmm!
Izgleda da smo sve "ovisne" jer što je samo 3 sata dnevno????Ja bih cijeli dan...ali već me svi kritiziraju.Tko ih šiša!
Obožavam heklane haljinice, tako j elijepa i prekrasna boja!!! A što se tiče vremena za hobi...ma svima nam dan kratak...kad čovjek nešto voli mogao bi da ne jede i ne pije danima te živjeti od ljubavi!!! Puuusa :)))
Drenka,vrijeme je da razmisliš da svoj hobi pretvoriš u posao.Tako ti nitko neće moć prigovarati...ne zabavljaš se,nego radiš!
Inače,nadam se da će i gornji dio bitti ovako prekrasan kao i donji.Rub mi se naročito sviđa,a boja koju si odabrala je predivna!!!
A ovaj novi žuti izgled bloga me naprosto oduševio!!!!!!
Prelepa je haljina !
Jos ako stavis nesto cvetno ispod ....
To sto radis 6 sati dnevno nije nista :)
A za posao... evo ja te razumem :)
Ali to je tvoja odluka, ti si vec velika devojka. Jednog dana i ti ces videti kako ne mozes samo da heklas, vec moras da radis jos nesto. Zbog novca, zbog toga sto je lepo ici na posao, izaci iz kuce, imati obavezu ... ali polako :)
Lijepo si sredila blogić, prava ljetna boja :)
Mogu ti reći da si pogodila boju konca za haljinu, dobro će ti pristajati. I mustra mi se sviđa.
Osim što volim biti "kućanica", radim i uživam u heklanju i štrikanju. Znaš onu:...čekaj da završim red... :))
Svaka cast! Ovo odlicno izgleda i jedva cekam da vidim celu haljinicu :)))
Odlican izbor boje ;)
Svaka čast!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nemam zborovi. Sekoja cest :)))
divno draga!;) mnogo lajkam novi izgled, lepši je od prethodnog :)
It's beautiful! And at least if you're crocheting you're doing something productive. There are far worse things you could be spending your time on!
bravo za "veliki" prijekt!!!!! Sviđa mi se!
A to jesli li ili ne "Addict" - odavno se zna da jesi!!!!!!
This is beautiful! I can't wait to see the finished project.
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