I have so many unfinished projects that I don't know where to start. And yet, I'm starting new projects. Lately I am practicing my decoupage techniques and here's what I have come up with:
My mom and I use this white box with pink dots for storing buttons. And the blue one is for storing lady's nappies. You can see the napkins that I used to decorate them.

I ordered the "Crochet Bouquet" book by Suzann Thompson as soon as i saw it at Sandra's blog. It came before New Year's Eve and already tried making some of the flowers, but my favourite one was the Columbine Flower (you can see it in the picture). I still don't have a clue what I will use it for, but I'm sure that I will come up with something interesting.

Also, I started crocheting a skirt for my self. I am using crochet hook No.2 and this thing is going really slowly. If it wasn't for the stripes, I would bore my self to death because of the million single crochets that I have done so far. I have to keep crocheting, because one of my resolution is to finish it by spring, because I want to wear it this spring and summer. And now seeing the colors, there is a danger of looking it like a sailor skirt because of the white/navy blue color combination.
As you can see I am using the skirt that Victoria Beckham is wearing here as a reference. She is not wearing a crocheted skirt, but I thought that I can use the stripes and make a crocheted version of it. I did a little surfing on the Internet and this is a Fendi Skirt.
The decoupage4 box turned out great! There are are hardly any wrinkles. I'm a bit jealous, mine always have wrinkles!
And that columbine flower truly is a beauty.
That skirt is going to be lovely!! It takes total dedication and patience to do all of that single crocheting. You make such lovely things!!!
Columbine flower is my favourite, too!
You can make a brooch out of it - or attach it on purse!
Decoupage - amazing! Would like to learn it!
P.S. Why aren't your posts dated?
Sandra- i ja sma primjetila isti problem. Radim na to ali, ali problem je to sto je napravlejno da se vidi datum
The pink box turned out really great! I'm now even more tempted to try decoupage! As for the skirt, happy crocheting, there'll be a lot of it :)))
Prekrasno je sve, posebno mi se sviđa cvijet iz tvoje nove knjige i već mi pada na pamet kako bi ga mogla iskombinirati s tvojom novom "Fendi" suknjom. Preslatko!
Beautiful decopage Drenka! Decopage is something I really want to try to, but there is not time for everything lol. And your skirt is going to be great!Beautiful colors!
Excellent idea to make yourself Fendi skirt! And much cheaper, too!
Ja mislim da će tvoja suknja biti ljepša od Viktorijne!
Kutija je lepa, a jedva cekam da vidim suknju!
These are lovely - the crocheting is fabulous!
Victoria's skirt is expensive but your skirt is going to be invaluable. :)
Divni radovi, ima li neka mustra ili tutorijal :)
Zelim ti sve najbolje.
A da bih mogla da ispunim obecanje, molim da procitas na mom blogu post "Praznici" pa onda...znas sta treba da uradis!
@Honeysuckle-as I have seen on tutorials, apparently if you have some wrinkles,it is ok because that is part of the process
@Nena- nema neki posebni pattern za suknju, gledajuci sliku napravila semu za menjanje boje,kad zavrsim mozda i objavim kako se menjaju boje ako neko slucajno zeli napraviti isto.
Ovdje ima prekrasnih stvari!
Prekrasni radovi! Super!
can't wait to see your finished skirt!
Prekrasan blog s puno lijepih i raznovrsnih unikatnih radova!!!
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